
Tokens can be bridged to Arbitrum on a variety of platforms. In this guide, we will explain how to use the official bridge and random multi-chain bridge. Additionally, below you will find centralized

  1. Enter the amount of ETH you want to add on Arbitrum and click “Move funds to Arbitrum One.”

  2. The next step is to confirm the transaction in your wallet. Arbitrum's lower gas fees will apply despite this transaction being executed on layer 1.

  3. Once you're happy with the amount, tap “Confirm.”

  4. On the next page, the transaction will appear as "pending".

  5. ETH is now available on Arbitrum and you can send and receive it.

Random multi-chain bridges (Multi-chain to Arbitrum)

For the purposes of this guide, we will use the LI.FI and Synapse protocol bridges since they offer a wide range of options for bridging funds from other networks to Arbitrum.

Last updated